We need to do things differently.
If we continue to treat our home in the way we have been, she will continue to shrivel and dry, until she can sustain our lives no more. She will someday recuperate, but not in our lifetimes. By continuing to drain mass amounts of water, especially for agriculture, we are doing irreversible damage to our ecosystems. The populations of species will decline, and the waning numbers will influence other species that may not have been so directly affected by the lack of water. We will see the numbers of endangered species rise, and lead to even the extinction of many. The conservation of water, and life, is critical to the continued health of our world and future existence.
So please, make a change.
Get involved.
Spread the word.
Educate those who do not know better.
Make a difference. The creatures that have evolved here are the products of millions of years of progression. When they’re gone, they’re gone for good. And unless we make a change, together, as one unified state,
California will never be the same.
Natalia Simone King
A passionate, responsible, and affable leader with many years of community involvement, Natalia has been an active participant in numerous science programs and collaborative activities. She is a tenacious and ambitious college student with an innate curiosity and strong desire to understand all that she can about the universe. Born and raised in California, Natalia moved from the San Francisco Bay Area in the fall of 2015 to the University of California, San Diego to complete work on her Bachelors of Science in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution. She is particularly interested in the involvement of the various conservation projects of the world and can think of no better place to start than by helping to save her home.
Water Trading (Tuesday, 11 April 2017 03:00)
Good blog post, Really i got too much information.
Joe Pementell (Tuesday, 29 December 2015 17:58)
Our home was the first home in our neighborhood to embrace the brown and stop watering our lawn! This was an easy first step to make and will help us transition to a dry landscaped environment with native plant species.
Lisanne Bzoskie (Sunday, 06 December 2015 20:05)
Hello Natalia, I believe your conservation efforts and plan of action for California is fantastic! Keep it up! Thanks to your advice my family has now switched to more vegetarian options instead of beef, and reduced our milk consumption greatly!
John King (Sunday, 06 December 2015 16:55)
I've stopped watering the lawn, I take shorter showers, and I eat less red meat since it takes a huge amount of water to raise a cow. That's too great a price for a steak.